This toolkit includes milestone information to show what most children do at different ages along their journey from birth to kindergarten. Milestone info sheets are in English and in Spanish
Did you know that there are several kindergarten readiness focused collaboratives funded by The United Way of Greater Lorain County? OberlinKids is just one. The collaboratives often work together to bring the best practices and opportunities to the respective communities they serve. A wealth of information from the three leaders was shared on a collaborative chat focused on kids from ages 0-5 in Elyria, Lorain, and Oberlin, including our own director, Jenn Keathley. If you missed it, you can watch it here:
Elyria/Lorain/Oberlin Kindergarten Readiness Collaboratives (click on images below)
Keep your family engaged and having fun while at home. Click here for fun ideas and activities you can do together!
Kindergarten readiness begins at birth! If we focus on creating a safe and stimulating environment in the early years, we help our children develop into successful, independent kindergartners.
You can sign up for OberlinKids right now for free.

Nurturing Children. Supporting Parents. Connecting Communities.
If you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact us!